Taxonomic list T3, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

subdivision of proper head

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Top level subdivision of cardinal body part Short Extended
Level 2 subdivision of head Short Extended
Current level subdivision of proper head Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
58817 14158
subdivision of proper head
divisio capitis proprii
320453 14159
auriculotemporal part of proper head
pars auriculotemporalis capitis proprii
61708 14160
subdivision of auriculotemporal part of proper head
divisio partis auriculotemporalis capitis proprii
52780 51 part
52781 7102 part
external ear ; outer ear
auris externa
61705 14162
subdivision of external ear
divisio auris externae
61734 7146 part
external acoustic meatus ; external auditory canal
meatus acusticus externus
56580 7103 part
auricle ; pinna
61288 14161
subdivision of external acoustic meatus
divisio meatus acustici externi
323075 8134 part
lateral isthmus of external acoustic meatus
isthmus meatus acustici externi lateralis
323076 8257 part
medial isthmus of external acoustic meatus
isthmus meatus acustici externi medialis
60960 14163
divisio auriculae
63867 15998
temporal part of head
pars temporalis capitis
63869 15997
subdivision of temporal part of head
divisio partis temporalis capitis
320468 9604
subdivision of wall of proper head
divisio parietis capitis proprii
46450 50 part
63865 317 part
forehead ; frontal part of cranium ; sinciput
frons ; pars frontalis cranii ; sinciput
49187 318 part
18 items
32 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
New term; the isthmus meatus acustici externi is the narrowest part of the External acoustic meatus, located at the junction of the meatus acusticus externus cartilagineus and the bony part.
See note # 8134
Type of list T3
List Unit Identifier 14158
Sublist 1 14163 divisio auriculae 58/23 on 16.10.2024
Subtotals subchildren 58 subunits 23
Proper children 31
Number of children 89 (validated)
Proper units 17
Number of units 40 (validated)
Signature 6498 (validated since 16.10.2024)
Date: 30.12.2024